Contact and Openings
Principal Investigator: Jun Yi, Ph.D.
Email: junyi[at]xmu.edu.cn
Tel: [188]-[5929]-[0601]
Office: 2315 Tan Kah Kee Innovation Laboratory
Postdoctoral researcher: Currently, we dont have a postdoc postion available.
Graduate students: We are looking for motivated students who are interested in the frontier of the fundamentals and applications of nanoscale light-matter interaction, laser spectroscopy, and novel optoelectronic technologies. Academic background in physics, optics, electronic engineering, and materials science is preferred but not strictly required. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Prof. Yi with a resume via email.
Undergraduate students: We support long-term research training for dissertations as well as graduate school preparation. The project-based short-term internship is also available. Please send your inquiry via email.